Naming ceremonies - baby naming - renaming - christening alternative
What’s my name?
Hey Baby!
Having a new baby is a big deal, and needs celebrating in style. Your style!
Formal christenings aren’t for everyone - you may not be religious or maybe you share different faiths. So how can you welcome your new addition into the family and share the joy? A naming ceremony is the perfect non-religious way to celebrate life and family, whether it is introducing a gorgeous new born, celebrating a blending of families, or welcoming an adopted child into the family.
I work with you to find out your family’s story, and all about the guest of honours life (so far!), and create a gorgeous ceremony, not only welcoming your child, but acknowledging their ‘Guide Parent’ (‘life mentor’…God Parent equivalent)
As an auntie to 10 nieces and nephews. and an ex Butlin’s Redcoat, I am used to entertaining little ones, and making them feel at ease, resulting in them having fun too (no dunking heads in water over here!)
They call me Her - They call me Jane - That's not my name
If you are celebrating a name change for any reason, let’s make a party out of it! Get in touch to chat all your ‘renaming’ ideas!